• Good Dog Manners include obeying all leash laws and RESPECTING THE BOUNDARIES OF OTHERS in shared public spaces.
  • I always assume that no one knows my dog's issues and I must also assume that I do not know other people's (& their dog's) issues. Therefore to avoid any problems or misunderstandings I find that it is always 'best practices' to have my dog on leash and under control, or trained to be reliable under verbal control, in shared public spaces. 
  • It is up to me to decide if my dog is welcome, and safe, in approaching other people/dogs.  I train my dog to remain calm and wait for me to give him permission to 'ok, go say hi'.
  • .I don’t want to interact with everyone I meet in public especially obnoxious, pushy people with no manners who disrespect my personal space.  My dog feels the same way.
  • I AM NEVER OFFENDED if someone does not want to interact - everyone has their own reasons and does not owe me an explanation for their choice.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and how your dog may be affected or react to what is in the area.
  • Be proactive and have a plan of action that will enable you to keep your dog safe and under control.