Be Proactive


  • I am aware of the inherent breed traits of my dog.
  • I am aware of the individual traits of my dog.
  • I am aware of how my dog reacts to different stimulus. I am aware how he reacts when excited, stressed etc. and I know how to get him back to a calm state.
  • I know what motivates my dog and how to change his behaviour through these motivators  e.g. food, toys etc.   

THIS  is my dog and so THIS is the dog that I need to work with.  Different dogs have different traits, issues, etc. so what works for my neighbour's Siberian Husky may not work for my Border Collie.   

I pay attention to my dog, his triggers, his responses, his motivators, his body language etc.



  • I am aware of where kids are riding their bikes, where the playground with moms and tots is,  where there are joggers, elderly etc.
  • I am aware of other dogs and if they are off-leash or on-leash.
  • By watching the other person/dog I will assess if it is safe for my dog to be near them.  I will do a quick assessment of the other dogs size, age, health, activity level, play style, and whether it listens to it's owner or just ignores the owner. 
  • I also do a quick assessment of my own dog's behavior.  Does my dog look interested in greeting the other person/dog or is my dog showing signs of disinterest, stress, fear?  My dog needs to trust that I will always do what is best for them.
  • How will my dog react if he has a close encounter with any of these (or other) situations?  I know how my dog will react, but none of the other people have this information.  Therefore I need to make choices that make safety a priority and that are best for me and my dog. 



  • Even though I know my dog's issues or triggers, I need to assume that no one else does.
  • I always assume that I cannot control other people/dogs.

Therefore I always have a plan of action

When I am in the area of other people/dogs I need to decide - will I continue towards them?  Will I go in a different direction to avoid them?  Will I change my route so I do not go anywhere near off-lead dogs?  Will I call my dog to 'heel' position while the bike riders go by me?  I will have some sort of plan formulated so that my dog can continue to walk in peace.  



I am always assessing my situation while in public and am prepared to do whatever it takes to keep myself and my dog safe.  I obey leash laws.

Being proactive also means that I need to consider that I may not be able to take my dog every place that I would like to.   If I have a dog that is fearful or reactive to other dogs, people or movement etc., then I need to consider if busy parks, beaches, outdoor markets etc. are the best place for me to take my dog.  I may need to chose a quieter location that would provide a less stressful and happier walk for my dog. 

If I have a dog that is very reactive to other people/dogs in public and I am afraid there may be a bite etc. then I would definitely seek professional advice.

I can contact my local veterinarian, pet store and groomer for names of a reputable dog trainer, training school or behaviourist in my area.